Saturday, August 29, 2015

Banana Bread Goodness

Hello there!

Sorry I have been absent from my blog recently! Moving back to my apartment, seeing friends, starting classes, homework (already!), and getting settled has occupied my time since my last post. It has been a really busy time but I'm enjoying being back at school and I'm excited for things to pick up even more!

One activity I want to start doing more is baking and cooking. I haven't always been the most creative when it comes to cooking, I usually just rotate between a few dishes. However, my roommate Claire and I decided to be adventurous this morning. I had three bananas that were going bad and I didn't want to waste them so we decided to make banana bread!

It was a lot simpler than I expected. I used the recipe found here. The prep was super easy and it just took about 50 minutes to cook. In the meantime, my apartment was filled with delicious aromas and I couldn't wait to finally take a bite. 

And let me tell you, it was perfect! Moist, warm, with a slight crunch from the golden brown top. Yum!

I can't wait to be more adventurous this year and try more recipes! I encourage you to do the same! It will be well worth it.


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