Wednesday, July 15, 2015

DIY: Painted Globe

Hello there! For this week's post I thought it would be fun to do my first DIY project. As a Pinterest addict, I've seen my fair share of crafts and DIY projects that I've always wanted to try out myself. I'll often click on links that will take me to blogs giving instructions and tips on how to do certain crafts. I find them helpful so hopefully this will help you too!

I had seen this craft going around on Pinterest for a while after Anthropologie sold out of their own painted globes and I was shocked when I learned they were $150-$200!

A week ago, I was in Goodwill with my mom and I found a plain globe! The best part: it was only $3.50! I knew with a little paint and creativity, I could make a globe similar to the ones from Anthropologie. Plus by making it myself, I would be able to make it fit my style and personality. And I'm so happy with how it turned out!

Let me show you how I made it!

What you'll need:
- A globe
- Paint brushes - fine brushes work great for detail work
- Acrylic paint
- Gold paint pen with a fine tip
- A pencil
- Scissors
- Masking tape or painter's tape
- Newspaper

The first thing you will want to do it find a flat surface to do your work. Next, lay down some newspaper over your work space to keep it clear of paint. Then, taking your masking tape or painter's tape, tape off the metal frame around the globe to prevent paint from getting on it. You can also use newspaper to cover the base of the globe.

Now comes the painting! I chose a light blue for my oceans and white for the continents but you could chose any color scheme that works best for you. This part requires a lot of patience and coats of paint. I recommend roughly painting the oceans first and then using a fine pointed paint brush, outlining the shape you want your continents to be. Go back and do more coats for your oceans and using the fine tip brush to get close and precise against the continents. I ended up doing 3 total coats of paint for the oceans.

Once you feel the oceans are sufficiently covered and you can't see any of the original markings, begin to fill in your continents and islands. This took a lot of coats as well; I'm pretty sure I lost track!

Now it's time to label the oceans. If you feel confident in your abilities to freehand the writing, by all means go for it! But for those of us who suffer from shaky hand, here is how to achieve perfect calligraphy! 

Using your computer, open a blank word document. Next, go to and download one of their free, fun fonts. Install the font to your computer and select it from your word document. Type what you want you globe to say and print it out. I used the font "channel" in size 55. Roughly cut around your word(s). Turn it over and using some pressure, outline the words. 

Next, tape into place where you want the word to be on your globe. Shading over the lettering, the outline you made on the opposite side will transfer onto the globe.

Using your gold paint pen, fill in your lettering. You can do this for all the oceans or just the continents, or both! It's up to you!

Now you can add more embellishments and decoration. I'm not much of an artist but I decided to paint little flowers on all the continents to give it more color. You can be as simple or creative with it as you want. 

And that's pretty much it! For roughly $20, after paint and supplies, you can have your very own painted globe! I can't wait to display this in my room back in my college apartment. 

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or concerns!

Thank you so much for reading and happy crafting!


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